What’s for Dinner & Lunch Ideas

Wow, what a full weekend! Three days of dancing for my youngest daughter. She did very well and is relieved that it is over! Dancing she loves. Performing, not so much. She is a lot like me, crowds and lots of noise are not her thing. She could have opted out of the whole thing and just taken the lessons but she decided to dance with the group of girls she has been with all year. What a celebration for all their hard work.

Here we are on Monday and things go back to normal (what ever that is!) I have a whole new week of menus for you. I also decided to share with you some of the things we have for lunch during the week. Lunch is a hard meal for me. I no sooner get the breakfast dishes cleaned up and finish with the morning routine and it is time to think about lunch. I cannot tell you how many times I have groaned when someone asks if it is time for lunch. If it were me I would skip it. I would just eat an apple or a hunk of cheese or even dark chocolate. Thankfully I am not alone in this house. I am surrounded by hungry people. I guess playing musical instruments, doing math and laying in front of the woodstove reading is grueling work and makes one hungry. I guess it could be that they are still growing and I shouldn’t be. Ha.


Since I don’t like thinking up lunch ideas I usually just grab things I see that are easy and healthy. Yes we most definitely open up a box of Annie’s mac and cheese on occasion. Yes it is quick and painless. I just don’t want to serve it every day. Protein, whole grains, and fruit top my list for lunches. One thing we have often is cheese and rice crackers. The crackers have seeds and brown rice. We will open a can of sardines and maybe a can of tuna. Maybe add an apple if someone is still hungry. It is quick, not much clean up and energizing.


Another great idea for lunch is deviled eggs and cut up fruit. Both filling and tasty.


Sushi is a favorite around here. I am not very good at making it though. My rice is never sticky enough and the rolls tend to fall apart. But they are very tasty! And no one refuses them. I put cucumber, carrots, bean sprouts, and avocado in them.  Sometimes I put scrambled egg in it but that is an extra cooking step and usually I don’t want to go to that extent for lunch.

If you have any lunch ideas send them my way please. We could always use more!

Here is this weeks dinner menu:

Monday: Cheesy, chicken, bacon, avocado quesadillas. Recipe here.

Tuesday: Pork chops on the grill with sweet potatoes and onion and a salad

Wednesday: Linguine and sauce

Thursday: Beans and rice

Friday: Steak, potatoes and broccoli

Saturday: Home made pizza

Sunday: Barbecue Chicken on Grill, couscous and green beans

Enjoy your week!


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